Friday, May 4, 2007


No fancy prose today. We'll merely look at lists. Perhaps this light reading will cause you to do some heavy thinking.

List #1 - The Top Ten Causes of Accidental Death in America (In Reverse Order)

10. Machinery - Deaths per year: 350

9. Medical & Surgical Complications and Misadventures - Deaths per year: 500

8. Poisoning by gases - Deaths per year: 700

7. Firearms - Deaths per year: 1,500

6. Suffocation - Deaths per year: 3,300

5. Fires and burns - Deaths per year: 3,700

4. Drowning - Deaths per year: 4,000

3. Poisoning by solids and liquids - Deaths per year: 8,600

2. Falls - Deaths per year: 14,900

1. Motor vehicle crashes - Deaths per year: 43,200

Compiled by

List #2 - Top 10 Driving Mistakes

On May 27, 2003, the newly formed coalition "Drive for Life: The National Safe Driving Test & Initiative" cited the following as the 10 most common driving mistakes:

1. Failing to pay attention -- "zoning out"

2. Driving while drowsy

3. Becoming distracted inside the car

4. Failing to adjust to weather conditions

5. Driving aggressively

6. Making assumptions about other drivers' intentions

7. Speeding

8. Changing lanes without checking blind spots and mirrors

9. Driving while upset

10. Ignoring essential auto maintenance

For more on the initiative, or to take the Safe Driving Test, visit the Web site at

List #3 - Top Driving Distractions

1. CD/Cassette Players and Radio
2. Children
3. Pets
4. Eating
5. Drinking
6. Smoking
7. Cell phones
8. Personal grooming

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