Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Keep That Right Heel On The Floor

"Beware the man who won't be bothered with the details" ~ William Feather

Many parents ignore foot positioning when coaching their new drivers. It seems so trivial and insignificant, but it's so vital.

When moving the right foot from the accelerator to the brake pedal, the heel should not lift off the floor. The foot should pivot on the heel, which stays planted while the upper foot swivels back and forth between the pedals.

Don't let your teen get away with lifting the foot completely off the gas to slide it over to the brake. It uses up too much time.

"But Sweeney, it only costs a second. What's that? Hardly anything!"

Well my friend, one second at 45 mph equals an extra 66 feet before even beginning to brake. Add that to the young driver's inexperience and slow decision making and you have TROUBLE!

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